
The furry cats with their fur

What are hairballs?

Cats naturally keep themselves very clean and in the process of self grooming they often end up swallowing a lot of their loose and dead hair, forming tufted balls in their stomach commonly known as hairballs. Feline tongues anatomically have barb-like features that trap loose, previously shed hair. On swallowing,  the hair mixes with the saliva, gets ingested and accumulates as a ball in the stomach. Most times the hairballs are harmless and easily pass through the digestive system without a problem. On other times, if not through the stool, the cat will vomit up the trapped hair.

Which cats are more likely to develop hairballs?

Generally, all cats develop hairballs at some point in their lives. However, breeds with long fluffy hair and felines with constant grooming sessions are more prone to hairballs.

Symptoms of Hairball Problems


At-Home Treatments

Sometimes a simple treatment that you can perform yourself is all your precious furry needs to feel better. Here are a few techniques:

Surgical Options

If a hairball is causing a dangerous obstruction and the cat is unable to pass it on its own, you will have to rely on surgery. Be sure to contact your vet as soon as you think something is wrong and remove the obstruction as soon as possible to prevent any further complications.


How to Prevent Hairballs